VES has it taped
Meggitt Bird is focused on constantly refining and providing training in the VES approach for cultivating change, growth and success in...
The VES handbook
Preface Books on management techniques proliferate. So why write another? The reason for introducing the Value Exchange System or VES for...
Change, change, change
Just as “location, location, location” became the mantra for decisions about investing in facilities, “change, change, change” resonates...
Productivity and Management and Leadership in the UK
Official UK Government reports point to several reasons for a relative decline in UK productivity
Participatory democracy
In the UK we can learn from the Greeks. How would this knowledge affect our linking the UK with Hong Kong along the extremities of the...
New Cretan hub of co-creation
The first pure innovation hub in the Crete Region of Greece is taking off. Funded and developed by Cretan business woman and Chartered...
Are you a David or a Goliath in innovation terms?
We were invited to contribute to the Digest of EntrepreneurCountry - a powerhouse for leveraging the combined capabilities of start-ups...
You can't do it alone! Using VES to restart organizations and boost value
Where specifically are your contributions hampered by a lack of wider cooperation? What innovative idea could you bring to market if you...
How is value created? How does the business model link to innovation?
Meggitt Bird Partner, Christie Sarri, submitted last March 2013 a dissertation in part fulfilment of the requirements for an MBA degree...