The UK "Construction Playbook."
It is interesting to witness that is takes some 40 years for leading UK Govt practice to catch up!!
The Construction playbook is here which refers to cost models covering the life of a project.
We were creating Life Cycle Cost Models for new cities in the early 1980's ... see
The ones described in the BIM (now CMI) article are single parameter cost models where little detail other than Planning Factors are surmised. Accuracy range:- some plus or minus 40%, but better than nothing when clients were totally in the dark re costs.
Progressive refinement of details during the investment planning process then led to multi parameter resource-based cost models with suggested accuracy of plus / minus 15% before detailed cost estimating took over.
Note: We'll be dead by the time people catch up with our Value Exchange System (VES), now supported by Professor Charlie Ehin's We Space Theory (WST), for configuring organisations' business models and associated business ecosystems / value networks.